Why are Journals important?
Keeping a journal is important because it reminds you of your past self. It helps you reflect on the most memorable stories of your past. Without a journal, you could forget about certain events in your life. Journals are also healthy because it makes you write down your goals and dreams. It helps you keep track of where you want to go in life. Without a goal or plan, many people get lost in what they want to do in life. Journals help people clear their head and get on a clear path. Plus it helps if you get your self a cute journal.
Best Journal Ideas
Best Journal Ideas: Journal prompts are a great way to use Bailey.Ink Journals. Journal Prompts help your writing when you have no idea what to write about. Some fun journal prompts are sentence starters or fun lists. For example, you could list off all of the movies you’ve seen and what you rate them. The problem most people have is deciding what prompt to use. People look up prompts daily but the most popular way I’ve found is to put them in a jar. You get a jar and decorate it with stickers and markers. Then you write down tons of prompts on little torn up papers. After that, you put them in…
Journal Prompts
Journal Prompts: Everyone at some point in their life gets a journal but they have no idea what to write in it. They try to write in it every day but eventually, they stop writing because they make excuses not to. Journal prompts are a great way to use your journal and get your creative mind flowing again. There are all sorts of fun lists and prompts to use your journal to its full potential. Here is some journal prompts to try at home: -Write to your future self -Write to your past self -List your favorite movies -List your favorite songs -Goals -People you admire